Center for Pain Management is proud to announce that we are now a certified provider of BioTe. Our providers Dr. Arora and Ms. Jones are now certified to offer this service to our patients.

The BioTE Story
Gary Donovitz, MD, is the founder of BioTE Medical, LLC. A board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist, Dr. Donovitz founded his own personal practice in 1985 and has since sought to provide each patient with compassionate high-quality care for over 30 years.
But the BioTE story truly begins after Dr. Donovitz witnessed how bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) transformed one of his patients. Dr. Donovitz knew that he had a duty to research and understand the hormone therapy that had helped relieve his patient of her symptoms and return to her best life.
Dr. Donovitz has dedicated himself to pioneering BHRT, and more specifically pellet therapy, through founding BioTE Medical, LLC. He has been at the frontier of bioidentical hormone replacement research for over 20 years, and his company BioTE Medical, LLC is a leading innovator in subcutaneous hormone pellet therapy.
BioTE Medical is dedicated to helping patients live better, longer by changing the way health care is practiced on a global level. Hormones are one of the most important regulatory systems that exist in our body, and as we age, or in some cases even earlier, these hormones can become unbalanced causing a variety of unwanted side effects. BioTE Medical believes that we may be able to age healthier and live happier, while avoiding over-medication, through hormonal balance. By partnering with medical providers, BioTE Medical can share research, knowledge, and a better method of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy with the world. Together, over 5,000 trained and certified BioTE providers have performed over 2 million pellet insertions.
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